Using a window

You can create a window that is similar to the Profiling tab on the System Options dialog box and add it to any application that is under development, so that you can start and stop tracing when testing specific actions.

The w_start_trace window is available in the PowerBuilder Profiler sample in the General section of the PowerBuilder Samples and Utilities page. This sample also shows the code used to create the profiling tools described in “Analyzing trace information using profiling tools”.

The w_start_trace window lets you specify a trace file name, label, and timer kind, as well as which activities you want to trace:

Shown is the Trace Options dialog box. At top is the Trace File Name box with the entry app test dot p b p, a selected check box labeled Prompt for Over write, and a blank Trace Label text box. Next is a group of four radio buttons for Timer Kind. They are None, Clock, which is selected, Process and Thread. Below this are check boxes for Trace Activities. They are Routine Entry / Exit, Routine Line Hits, Embedded sequel, Ojject Creation / Destruction, User Defined Activities, System Errors, and Garbage Collection. To their right are the buttons Default and All. At the bottom of the dialog are the buttons Start Trace and Exit.

The following instance variables are defined for the window:

TimerKind itk_kind
string is_title = 'Trace Options '
string is_starttext

The open event for the window sets some defaults:

application lapp_current
lapp_current = getapplication()
itk_kind = Clock!
is_starttext = cb_startstop.text
sle_filename.text = classname(lapp_current)+'.pbp'

The following code shows the script for the Clicked event of the Start Trace button. The text for the button is set to Start Trace in the painter. When the user clicks Start Trace, the button label changes to Stop Trace. The Clicked event script checks the text on the button before either starting or stopping tracing. This script uses the functions described in “Collecting trace information using PowerScript functions”:

// instance variables:
// errorreturn le_errorreturn
integer li_key

// Check that the button label is Start Trace
// and a trace file name has been entered
if this.text = is_starttext then

   if len(trim(sle_filename.text)) = 0 then
       messagebox(parent.title, &
         'Trace file name is required',information!)
   end if

   // If Prompt for overwrite is checked and the
   // file exists, pop up a response window
   if cbx_prompt.checked and &
      fileexists(sle_filename.text) then
      li_key = messagebox(parent.title, &
         'OK to overwrite '+sle_filename.text, &
      if li_key = 2 then return
   end if
   // Open the trace file
   TraceOpen( sle_filename.text, itk_kind )
   // Enable tracing for checked activities
   // For each activity, check for errors and close
   // the trace file if an error occurs
   if cbx_embeddedsql.checked then 
      le_errorreturn = TraceEnableActivity( ActESql! )
      if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         of_errmsg(le_errorreturn, &
            'TraceEnableActivity( ActESql! )')
          le_errorreturn = Traceclose()
         if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         end if
      end if
   end if

   if cbx_routineentry.checked then 
      le_errorreturn =TraceEnableActivity(ActRoutine!)
      if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         of_errmsg(le_errorreturn, &
            'TraceEnableActivity( ActRoutine! )')
         if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         end if
      end if
   end if

   if cbx_userdefined.checked then 
      le_errorreturn = TraceEnableActivity( ActUser! )
      if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         of_errmsg(le_errorreturn, &
            'TraceEnableActivity( ActUser! )')
         if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         end if
      end if
   end if

   if cbx_systemerrors.checked then 
      le_errorreturn = TraceEnableActivity(ActError! )
      if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         of_errmsg(le_errorreturn, &
            'TraceEnableActivity( ActError! )')
         if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         end if
      end if
   end if

   if cbx_routineline.checked then 
      le_errorreturn = TraceEnableActivity( ActLine! )
      if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         of_errmsg(le_errorreturn, &
            ' TraceEnableActivity( ActLine! )')
         if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         end if
      end if
   end if
   if cbx_objectcreate.checked then 
      le_errorreturn = &
         TraceEnableActivity( ActObjectCreate! )
      if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         of_errmsg(le_errorreturn, &
            'TraceEnableActivity( ActObject! )')
         if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         end if
      end if
      le_errorreturn = &
         TraceEnableActivity( ActObjectDestroy! )
      if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         of_errmsg(le_errorreturn, &
         if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         end if
      end if
   end if

   if cbx_garbagecoll.checked then 
      le_errorreturn = &
         TraceEnableActivity( ActGarbageCollect! )
      if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         of_errmsg(le_errorreturn, &
          'TraceEnableActivity(ActGarbageCollect! )')
         if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
         end if
      end if
   end if

   // Start tracing
   le_errorreturn =TraceBegin( sle_tracelabel.text )
   if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
   end if
   // Change the title of the window and the 
   // text of the Start Trace button
   parent.title = is_title + '(Tracing)'
   this.text = 'Stop &Tracing'

// If the button label is Stop Trace, stop tracing
// and close the trace file
   le_errorreturn =TraceEnd()
   if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
   end if

   le_errorreturn =TraceClose()
   if le_errorreturn <> Success! then
   end if
   this.text = is_starttext
   parent.title = is_title 
end if

of_errmsg function

The window uses two functions to handle error messages. The of_errmsg function displays a message box:

// of_errmsg
Messagebox( this.title,'Error executing '+ as_msg + &
   '. Error code : '+ of_converterror(ae_error) ) 

of_converterror function

The of_converterror function converts the ErrorReturn parameter to a string:

// of_converterror: convert enumerated type 
// ErrorReturn parameter to text.
String ls_result
choose case a_error
   Case Success!
      ls_result =  "Success!"
   Case FileCloseError!
      ls_result =  "FileCloseError!"
   Case FileOpenError!
      ls_result =  "FileOpenError!"
   Case FileReadError!
      ls_result =  "FileReadError!"
   Case FileWriteError!
      ls_result =  "FileWriteError!"
   Case FileNotOpenError!
      ls_result =  "FileNotOpenError!"
   Case FileAlreadyOpenError!
      ls_result =  "FileAlreadyOpenError!"
   Case FileInvalidFormatError!
      ls_result =  "FileInvalidFormatError!"
   Case FileNotSetError!
      ls_result =  "FileNotSetError!"
   Case EventNotExistError!
      ls_result =  "EventNotExistError!"
   Case EventWrongPrototypeError!
      ls_result =  "EventWrongPrototypeError!"
   Case ModelNotExistsError!
      ls_result =  "ModelNotExistsError!"
   Case ModelExistsError!
      ls_result =  "ModelExistsError!"
   Case TraceStartedError!
      ls_result =  "TraceStartedError!"
   Case TraceNotStartedError!
      ls_result =  "TraceNotStartedError!"
   Case TraceNoMoreNodes!
      ls_result =  "TraceNoMoreNodes!"
   Case TraceGeneralError!
      ls_result =  "TraceGeneralError!"
   Case FeatureNotSupportedError!
      ls_result =  "FeatureNotSupportedError!"
   Case else
      ls_result =  "Unknown Error Code"
end choose
return ls_result