The PowerBuilder environment

When you start PowerBuilder for the first time, the Welcome to PowerBuilder dialog box lets you create a new workspace with or without targets:

The Welcome to PowerBuilder dialog explains that you can create Windows client applications, E A Server components, and Web sites. These are stored as targets. Multiple targets are grouped into workspaces. The screen offers options to Create a new workspace, and also  create a new target or adding an existing one. You can also open an existing workspace or close the dialog. At bottom are check boxes labeled Don’t show this dialog again and Reload last workspace on starting Power Builder.

When PowerBuilder starts, it opens in a window that contains a menu bar and the PowerBar at the top and the System Tree and Clip window on the left. The remaining area will display the painters and editors you open when you start working with objects.

The sample window shows a menu bar and PowerBar at the top, the System Tree and Clip window on the left, and the Output window at the bottom. All are blank. The remaining area at right is grayed.