About the Window painter

Views in the Window painter

You design windows in the Window painter. The Window painter has several views where you specify how a window looks and how it behaves. The Window painter looks similar to the User Object painter for visual user objects and it has the same views. For details about the views, how you use them, and how they are related, see “Views in painters that edit objects”.

Window painter workspace

The default layout for the Window painter workspace has two stacked panes with the Script and Properties views at the top of the stacks.

Most of your work in the Window painter is done in three views:

This illustration shows the Layout view at the top of one of the stacks.

Shown is the default layout for the Window painter workspace. The title bar displays the name of the selected window, w _ multilingual ( examples ) inherited from w _ center - Window. At left is the Layout tab page, which displays the content of the selected window positioned on a grid. At left is the General tab page of the Properties view with text fields for title and tab, a drop down labeled Menu Name, and check boxes for Visible, Enabled, Title Bar, Control Menu, Max Box, Min Box, Client Edge, Palette Window, Context Help, Right to Left, Center, and Resizable.

For information about specifying window properties, see “Defining the window's properties”.

For information about adding controls and nonvisual objects to a window, see “Adding controls” and “Adding nonvisual objects”.

For information about coding in the Script view, see “Writing scripts in windows” and Chapter 7, “Writing Scripts.”