Setting general TreeView properties

You set most TreeView DataWindow properties on the General page in the Properties view for the DataWindow object.

The General page in the property view displays general properties that apply to most reports, as well as special sections for Grid-style TreeView reports and for all TreeView reports.

The properties that are specific to a TreeView DataWindow are the TreeView properties and the Grid properties. The grid-related properties display only if you select the Grid Style check box when you define the TreeView DataWindow:




On – Grid lines always display.

Off – Grid lines never display (columns cannot be resized at runtime).

Display Only – Grid lines display only when the DataWindow object displays online.

Print Only – Grid lines display only when the contents of the DataWindow object are printed.

Column Moving

Columns can be moved at runtime.

Mouse Selection

Data can be selected at runtime and, for example, copied to the clipboard.

Row Resize

Rows can be resized at runtime.

Indent Value

The indent value of the child node from its parent in the units specified for the DataWindow. The indent value defines the position of the state icon. The X position of the state icon is the X position of its parent plus the indent value.

Expand To Level By Default

Expand to TreeView level 1, 2, or 3.

State Icon Align Mode

Align the state icon in the middle (0), at the top (1), or at the bottom (2).

Show Lines

Whether lines display that connect parent nodes and child nodes. If you want to display lines that connect the rows in the detail band to their parent, select Connect Leaf Nodes.

Connect Leaf Nodes

Whether lines display that connect the leaf nodes in the detail band rows.

Use Tree Node Icon

Whether an icon for the tree node displays. This applies to icons in the level and detail bands. For how to specify icon images, see “Setting TreeView level properties” and “Setting detail band properties”.

Select Node By Mouse

Whether a Tree node is selected by clicking the Tree node with the mouse.