quiesce database ...hold allows you to delay updates to one or more databases while you perform a disk unmirroring or external copy of each database. Because no writes are performed during this time, the external copy (the secondary image) of the database is identical to the primary image. While the database is in the quiescent state, read transactions from the database are allowed. To resume updates to the database, issue quiesce database...release. You can issue quiesce database from one isql connection and then log in with another isql connection and issue quiesce database...release.
The syntax for quiesce database is:
quiesce database tag_name hold database_name [, database_name] [for external copy]
quiesce database tag_name release
Where tag_name is a user-defined label for the list of databases to hold or release, and database_name is the name of the database for which you are suspending updates.