Adaptive Server Enterprise Monitor consists of four components that gather or display Adaptive Server performance data:
Adaptive Server Enterprise Monitor Server (Monitor Server) – this server collects Adaptive Server performance data in real time and makes the data available to the other Adaptive Server Enterprise Monitor components. Monitor Server is a Sybase Open Server™ application.
Adaptive Server Enterprise Monitor Historical Server (Historical Server) – this server obtains Adaptive Server performance data from Monitor Server and saves the data in files for deferred analysis. Historical Server is a Sybase Open Server application.
Monitors in the Adaptive Server Enterprise plug-in for Sybase Central (Monitor Viewer) – the monitors obtain Adaptive Server performance data from Monitor Server and display the data in real time in tables and graphs.
Adaptive Server Enterprise Monitor Client Library (Monitor Client Library) – this application programming interface (API) to Monitor Server is available to users for developing monitoring applications. Historical Server and the monitors in the Adaptive Server Enterprise plug-in for Sybase Central are Monitor Client Library applications.