The TM, together with the DTM XA Interface library, establishes connections between applications and RMs in several steps:
An application issues a mon_RegisterRmi function, thereby requesting use of an LRM.
Using information contained in an open string, the TM issues an XA open call to the LRM (configured in the monadmin create rm command) whose name matches that issued in step 1, above.
The TM passes the open string associated with each monadmin create rm command to the DTM XA Interface. The open string contains the LRM name.
The DTM XA Interface looks up the LRM name in the XA configuration file and matches it to an actual RM name—that is, to an actual physical Adaptive Server. The RM name matches an entry in the Adaptive Server interfaces file.
The DTM XA Interface establishes one logical connection to an Adaptive Server for each LRM entry. It then confers on any connection the preconnection properties and capabilities configured for the LRM.