
Client plug-ins enable clients, such as Sybase Central and Open Client, to access Adaptive Server. See the Open Client/Server Configuration Guide for Desktop Platforms.

Sybase Central plug-In

The Sybase Central plug-in allows you to connect to Adaptive Server via client connections. You can use Sybase Central to connect to remote servers, local servers (installed on the same machine), and multiple servers. See “Configuring network connections for client products”. Before you use the plug-in, restart your computer to implement changes made to the PATH and CLASSPATH environment variables during installation.

Open Client runtime

The Sybase PC-client CD includes Open Client software for Windows NT and Windows 98. Several products, such as the Adaptive Server plug-in and SQL Advantage, require Open Client runtime. Monitor Client Library requires Open Client/C with the SDK option.

Open database connectivity

Some applications do not connect to Adaptive Server directly through the Open Client software but through the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver, or the jConnect driver instead. For example, PowerDynamo connects through the ODBC driver.

See Configuring Adaptive Server Enterprise for more information.

ODBC and OLE DB require the Microsoft Data Access Component (MDAC). You can download it directly from Microsoft's Web site http://www.microsoft.com/data.