Prepare the database and devices for the upgrade

Make sure that master is the default database for the “sa” user. The upgrade cannot complete successfully with a different database as your default. For information about specifying the default database, see the System Administration Guide.

If you ran the pre-upgrade option in sqlupgrade, the utility scanned the system catalogs and calculated how much additional space you needed to perform the upgrade. If you did not run the pre-upgrade check, you must manually calculate how much free space you must add to your system catalogs and databases.

As a general rule, you must double the size of the largest catalog that you are going to upgrade, and add approximately 10 percent more to calculate the free space required for the upgrade to succeed.

For example, if you have a large number of stored procedures or compiled object in any database, the syscomments and sysprocedures catalogs will require additional space.

NoteSybase recommends that you use preupgrade to determine how much free space is required for the upgrade.

An installation of Adaptive Server 12.0, without any additional user-defined data creates the following:

If you are upgrading an Adaptive Server installation that meets these minimum parameters, you must increase:

Use sp_help to determine the size of your existing databases. If any database does not have the space requirements as reported by preupgrade, use alter database to increase the size.

StepsIncreasing default database sizes

To determine the size of each databases in the old installation, log in to Adaptive Server using isql:

isql -Usa -Ppassword -Sserver_name


1> sp_helpdb database_name
2> go

where database_name is the name of the system database you are checking.

To enlarge the master, tempdb, and model databases:

  1. In isql, use alter database to increase the size of the master database. For example:

    1> use master
    2> go
    1> alter database master on master=x
    2> go

    This example increases the size of the master database; x is the number of megabytes of space added to the existing database size.

  2. Repeat this step to increase the size of each of the tempdb and the model databases. For example:

    1> alter database tempdb on master=x
    2> go
    1> alter database model on master=x
    2> go

    NoteYou must increase the size of tempdb before increasing the size of model.

  3. Verify the size of each database. Enter:

    1> sp_helpdb database_name
    2> go

    where database_name is the name of the system database you are checking.