You can upgrade to Adaptive Server 12.5 from any of these versions:
For a server installation older than version 11.5.x, Sybase recommends that you upgrade to one of the versions above, then upgrade to version 12.5.
You can upgrade Adaptive Server from a 32-bit version to a 64-bit Version, but you cannot move from a 64-bit version to a 32-bit version. Likewise, you can only upgrade from an earlier version of Adaptive Server to a more recent version.
Only upgrades from 2K pages to 2K pages are supported. Changing the server schema from a 2K page to nK page size is a database migration, not an upgrade.
Upgrading Adaptive Server consists of four processes:
Installing the new server into it own installation directory.
You must have both the old server and the new server
to perform an upgrade.
Performing the pre-upgrade checks on the old server using the preupgrade utility, from the new server installation.
If necessary, fixing any problems that pre-upgrade process reports.
Running the upgrade utility from the new server against the databases to update the underlying schema so that their structures are correct for the new server.
The preupgrade and upgrade utilities are internally called by the sqlupgrade utility.
Each new version of Adaptive Server contains different features that introduce new parameters, commands, reserved words, and so on. For this reason, the new Adaptive Server to which you are upgrading is responsible for preparing the old server for the upgrade.
The new server provides a utility, sqlupgrade, that runs various checks, such as reserved word checks, to determine how much space you must add to the old server to successfully upgrade the old server to the new.
As part of the pre-upgrade tasks, sqlupgrade scans all databases and catalogs and determines how much free space is required for each to upgrade successfully. Essentially, sqlupgrade searches for the largest catalog, then calculates the required free space by doubling the size of the largest catalog, and adding approximately 10 percent for logging the upgrade changes for each catalog.
During the pre-upgrade process, sqlupgrade returns informational messages as it checks the old server. You must fix all reported problems, and run sqlupgrade cleanly before beginning the upgrade process. Once the old server is eligible for upgrade, sqlupgrade shuts down the old server, starts the new server against the existing databases, and begins the upgrade process.