This section contains a sample resource file for configuring a new Replication Server. Your resource file will have different values for many of the attributes, but will be similar to the sample.
###################################################### # RESOURCE TEMPLATE
# # This file contains a list of configuration attributes # for Sybase Replication Server. This is the template # for configuring a new Replication Server. DO NOT EDIT # THIS FILE. # Copy the template to another file and edit that. # # Syntax of the resource file is: # # product_name.attribute:value # # Attributes with a value of USE_DEFAULT will use the #Sybase defaults for this platform. # #NOTES: # Generic attributes are prefaced by "sybinit." The # only generic attributes are "release_directory" and # "product." # ###################################################### ###################################################### # RELEASE LOCATION # sybinit.release_directory: /usr/u/sybase # The product that you wish to configure. Possible values are: # rs # sybinit.product: rs ###################################################### # REPLICATION SERVER ATTRIBUTES # # This operation installs a new Replication Server. rs.rs_operation: rs_install
###################################################### # ID SERVER INFORMATION # # Name of the ID Server rs.rs_idserver_name: IDRS # Is the ID Server the same as the Replication Server that is being installed ? Default is no rs.rs_id_server_is_rs_server: yes # Login that other Replication Servers will use to # connect with the ID Server. Default is #<rs_idserver_name>_id_user. rs.rs_idserver_user: USE_DEFAULT # Password for the ID Server user. Default is #<rs_idserver_name>_id_passwd rs.rs_idserver_pass: USE_DEFAULT # The next two attributes should be set only when #installing an ID Server and there are multiple ID #Server domains # First ID used for Replication Servers in this ID #Server domain rs.rs_start_rs_id: USE_DEFAULT # First ID used for databases in this ID Server domain rs.rs_start_db_id: USE_DEFAULT ###################################################### # REPLICATION SERVER INFORMATION # # Replication Server name rs.rs_name: NYRS # Will the Replication Server manage databases with # primary data, submit asynchronous transactions, or #serve as an intermediate site in an indirect route ? #Default is no rs.rs_requires_ltm: no # Will the Replication Server(11.0 or higher) manage #databases with primary data, submit asynchronous #transactions, or serve as an intermediate site in an #indirect route ? Default is yes rs.rs_needs_repagent: yes # Locations of the errorlog and config file for the # Replication Server. # The default names of these files are <rs_name>.log and #<rs_name>.cfg respectively. # The default directory in which these files are located #is the current working directory on Unix platforms, and #in %SYBASE%\install on PC platforms. rs.rs_rs_errorlog: USE_DEFAULT rs.rs_rs_cfg_file: USE_DEFAULT # Character set to be used by this Replication Server #(and the RSSD LTM if needed) rs.rs_charset: USE_DEFAULT # Language to be used by this Replication Server (and #the RSSD LTM if needed) rs.rs_language: USE_DEFAULT # Sort order to be used by this Replication Server (and #the RSSD LTM if needed) rs.rs_sortorder: USE_DEFAULT ###################################################### # REPLICATION SERVER SYSTEM DATABASE CHOICE # # Is this an embedded rssd rs.rs_rssd_embedded: no ###################################################### # EMBEDDED REPLICATION SERVER SYSTEM DATABASE #INFORMATION # The following only applies if embedded RSSD is chosen # # erssd name rs.rs_erssd_name: rep_erssd # embedded rssd database directory rs.rs_erssd_database_dir: C:/database # embedded rssd transaction log directory rs.rs_erssd_translog_dir: C:/translog # embedded rssd backup directory rs.rs_erssd_backup_dir: C:/backup # embedded rssd error log directory rs.rs_erssd_errorlog_dir: C:/errorlog ###################################################### # REPLICATION SERVER SYSTEM DATABASE INFORMATION # The following only applies if embedded RSSD is not #chosen # Name of the Adaptive Server that will manage the # Replication Server's system database. rs.rs_rssd_sqlsrvr: NYDS # Name of the database where the Replication Server #system tables will be stored. Default is <rs_name>_RSSD rs.rs_rssd_db: USE_DEFAULT # Do you want the RSSD connections to allow HA failover? #Default is no rs.rs_rssd_ha_failover: no # Do you want rs_init to create the system database ? #Default is no rs.rs_create_rssd: no # sa login for the system Adaptive Server - default is sa rs.rs_rssd_sa_login: USE_DEFAULT # sa password for the system Adaptive Server - default #is NULL rs.rs_rssd_sa_pass: # Name of the RSSD primary user. Default is #<rs_rssd_db>_prim rs.rs_rssd_prim_user: USE_DEFAULT # Password for the RSSD primary user. Default is #<rs_rssd_db>_prim_ps rs.rs_rssd_prim_pass: USE_DEFAULT # Name of the RSSD maintenance user. Default is #<rs_rssd_db>_maint rs.rs_rssd_maint_user: USE_DEFAULT # Password for the RSSD maintenance user. Default is #<rs_rssd_db>_maint_ps rs.rs_rssd_maint_pass: USE_DEFAULT # The dbo_user and dbo_password attributes are not used #by default. They should be used only if the RSSD #requires an LTM and the log should be scanned by #someone other than rs_rssd_sa_login. This user should already exist in the database. # Name of the Database Owner for the RSSD rs.rs_rssd_dbo_user: USE_DEFAULT # Password for the database owner rs.rs_rssd_dbo_pass: USE_DEFAULT ###################################################### # REPLICATION SERVER SYSTEM DATABASE DEVICE INFORMAITON # The following only applies if embedded RSSD is not # chosen (USED ONLY IF RS_INIT IS TO CREATE THE RSSD) # Size of the system database in MB. Default and minimum # is 10 rs.rs_rsdddb_size: 10 # Size of the log for the system databas in MB. Default #and minimum is 10 rs.rs_rssd_log_size:10 # Name of the device on which the system database is to #be created Default is master rs.rs_rssd_db_device_name: dbdev # Do you want rs_init to create this device for the #system database ? # Default is no rs.rs_create_rssd_database_dev: no # Physical pathname of the device for the system #database rs.rs_rssd_db_device_path: /work/dev1 # Size of the device for the system database rs.rs_rssddb_device_size: 10 # Name of the device on which the log for the system #database is to be created rs.rs_rssd_log_device_name: logdev # Do you want rs_init to create this device for the log # for the system database ? Default is no rs.rs_create_rssd_log_dev: no # Physical pathname of the device for the log for the # system database rs.rs_rssd_log_device_path: /work/dev2 # Size of the device for the log for the system database rs.rs_rssd_log_device_size:10 ###################################################### # DISK PARTITION INFORMATION # # Full path name of a raw disk partition for the # Replication Server rs.rs_diskp_name: /work/dev3 # Logical identifier name for the raw disk partition for # the Replication Server rs.rs_diskp_lname: part1 # Size, in megabytes, of the raw disk partition.Default # is 20. rs.rs_diskp_size: 20 # The offset, in megabytes, at which the Replication #Server should begin writing in the raw disk partition. #Default is 0 rs.rs_diskp_vstart: 0 ###################################################### # REMOTE SITE CONNECTION INFORMATION # # Replication Server login name that other Replication # Servers will use to connect with this Replication # Server Default is <rs_name>_rsi rs.rs_rs_user: USE_DEFAULT # Password for the Replication Server login name # Default is <rs_name>_rsi_ps rs.rs_rs_pass: USE_DEFAULT ###################################################### # SYSTEM DATABASE LOG TRANSFER MANAGER INFORMATION # # (IF RSSD NEEDS LTM) # Name of the RSSD LTM. Default is # <rs_rssd_sqlsrvr>_<rs_name>_RSSD_ltm. rs.ltm_name: NY_LTM # Replication Server login name that the log transfer # manager will use when connecting to the Replication # Server # Default is <rs_name>_ltm rs.rs_ltm_rs_user: USE_DEFAULT # Password for the login name for the log transfer # manager # Default is <rs_name>_ltm_ps rs.rs_ltm_rs_pass: USE_DEFAULT # Login name for the user who will start and shutdown #the log # transfer manager for the Replication Server system # database # Default is sa rs.rs_ltm_admin_user: USE_DEFAULT # Password for the admin user - default is NULL rs.rs_ltm_admin_pass: USE_DEFAULT ###################################################### # ID SERVER INTERFACES INFORMATION # These attributes are valid only for Unix platforms. # On PC platforms, adding interface file entries through # resource files is not supported. # rs.do_add_id_server must be no on these platforms. # # Add ID Server to interfaces file? Default is no rs.do_add_id_server: USE_DEFAULT # Connect retry count; number of times client tries to # connect to ID Server before giving up rs.rs_id_server_connect_retry_count: USE_DEFAULT # Connect retry delay time (in seconds); amount of time # client waits between each connection attempt rs.rs_id_server_connect_retry_delay_time: USE_DEFAULT # Notes associated with ID Server interfaces file entry rs.rs_id_server_notes: Default Sybase Configuration # Protocol for ID Server network listener rs.rs_id_server_network_protocol_list: tcp # Name of host for ID Server rs.rs_idserver_hostname: herbie # Port numbers for network listener rs.rs_idserver_port: 5002 ###################################################### # REPLICATION SERVER INTERFACES INFORMATION # These attributes are valid only for Unix platforms. # On PC platforms,adding interface file entries through # resource files is not supported. # rs.do_add_replication_server must be no on these # platforms. # # Add Replication Server to interfaces file? rs.do_add_replication_server: no # Connect retry count; number of times client tries to # connect # to Replication Server before giving up rs.rs_rs_connect_retry_count: USE_DEFAULT # Connect retry delay time (in seconds); amount of time # client waits between each connection attempt rs.rs_rs_connect_retry_delay_time: USE_DEFAULT # Notes associated with Replication Server interfaces # file entry rs.rs_rs_notes: Default Sybase Configuration # Protocol for Replication Server network listener rs.rs_rs_network_protocol_list: tcp # Name of host for Replication Server rs.rs_rs_hostname: herbie # Port numbers for network listener rs.rs_rs_port: 5005 ##################################################### # LOG TRANSFER MANAGER INTERFACES INFORMATION - IF RSSD # HAS LTM # These attributes are valid only for Unix platforms. # On PC platforms,adding interface file entries through # resource files is not supported. # rs.do_add_ltm must be no on these platforms. # Add Log Transfer Manager to interfaces file? rs.do_add_ltm: no # Connect retry count; number of times client tries to # connect to Log Transfer Manager before giving up rs.rs_ltm_connect_retry_count: USE_DEFAULT # Connect retry delay time (in seconds); amount of time #client waits between each connection attempt rs.rs_ltm_connect_retry_delay_time: USE_DEFAULT # Notes associated with Log Transfer Manager interfaces # file entry rs.rs_ltm_notes: Default Sybase Configuration # Protocol for Log Transfer Manager network listener rs.rs_ltm_network_protocol_list: tcp # Name of host for Log Transfer Manager rs.rs_ltm_hostname: herbie # Port numbers for network listener rs.rs_ltm_port: 5000 ###################################################### # REPLICATION SERVER SECURITY INFORMATION # These attriibutes apply to the security features # available for the replication server. This option is # only available on Solaris and NT. # Enable external network security rs.rs_network_security_enable: no # Type of network security for the Replication Server, # choices are "dce" or "csfkrb5", rs.rs_network_security_system: USE_DEFAULT # Login name for the user who will principle user, this # login name will be used for all secure connections, # Sybase recommends the name of the Replication Server # as the principle user name. rs.rs_principal_user_name: USE_DEFAULT # Full path to the location of keytab file rs.rs_keytab_file: USE_DEFAULT # Use Secure Socket Layer(ssl) security rs.rs_use_ssl: no # Full path to the location of the ssl identity file rs.rs_ssl_identity_file: USE_DEFAULT # Password for the ssl private key rs.rs_ssl_pkey_password: USE_DEFAULT # end of resource file