There are two steps to installing the Replication Server database support objects in the non-Sybase replicate database:
Set up the replicate database gateway server (for example, DirectConnect for Informix) to properly handle Replication Server communication with the replicate database.
Replication Server requires a database gateway to communicate with a non-Sybase replicate database. The database gateway “translates” the Sybase Open Client/Open Server protocol to ODBC or to the native communication protocol of the non-Sybase database.
Create the Replication Server replicate database support objects in the replicate database, required to allow Replication Server to operate in a replicate database.
Configuring the replicate
database gateway server to support Replication Server operations
Log in to the database gateway server using a user ID that has sa permission in the database gateway server.
For databases other than Oracle, set the value of the TransactionMode property to long to give Replication Server control over transaction commits.
For the DirectConnect for Oracle database gateway, set the value of the autocommit property to 0 (zero) to give Replication Server control over transaction commits in Oracle.
Set the value of the SQLTransformation property to passthrough so that the database gateway does not perform any SQL language transformations.
Set the value of the TargetDecimalSeparator property to correspond with the non-Sybase database server localization settings, if needed.
Creating Replication Server
database objects
Execute a SQL script at the database gateway to create the Replication Server replicate database support objects in the replicate database. The script creates the tables in the replicate database required to support Replication Server operations.
Database object creation sample scripts are provided for each non-Sybase database supported by HDS. The following are the databases supported by HDS in Replication Server version 15.0, and the database object creation sample script for each non-Sybase database:
Adaptive Server Anywhere
Microsoft SQL Server
You must execute the appropriate script for your replicate database type.
To create the Replication Server replicate database support objects in the non-Sybase replicate database:
Refer to the comments in the appropriate script file for information on the permissions required for the database objects created by the script.
Log in to the database gateway server host, or a machine that has a network connection to the database gateway server host machine, using a user ID with adequate permission in the replicate database to create tables in that database.
In this procedure, isql is used as
the Open Client™ application to access the database gateway.
You can use any Open Client application to access the database gateway.
Use the following command at the operating system prompt to execute the database object creation script:
isql -Uuser -Ppw -Sservice -iscript_name
user – is the user ID with table creation permission in the replicate database.
pw – is the password for the user ID.
service – is the name of the database gateway service configured to communicate with the replicate database.
script_name – is the name of the database object creation script file that you edited.