Getting connection metadata and status information

Connection metadata and status information includes:

To get metadata and status information about a specific primary database connection, use sp_helpprimaryconn with the info keyword and specify a database connection:

sp_helpprimaryconn info, "conn_name"

where conn_name is the connection name in the form ds.db.

To get metadata and status information about a specific replicate database connection, use sp_helpreplicateconn with the info keyword and specify a database connection:

sp_helpreplicateconn info, "conn_name"

where conn_name is the connection name in the form ds.db.

To get metadata and status information about all primary database connections, use sp_helpprimaryconn without specifying a keyword or database connection.

To get metadata and status information about all replicate database connections, use sp_helpreplicateconn without specifying a keyword or database connection.