To create a replicate database connection, use sp_addreplicateconn:
sp_addreplicateconn "conn_name"
where conn_name is the connection name in the form ds.db.
If you do not specify a Maintenance User name when you create a replicate connection, the ASE Replicator system user login name is the Maintenance User name for the replicate connection. You have the option to specify a different Maintenance User name when you create a replicate connection. To specify a Maintenance User name for a replicate connection, use the following syntax:
sp_addreplicateconn "conn_name", maint_user, maint_pw
where conn_name is the connection name in the form ds.db, maint_user is the Maintenance User name for the replicate database, and maint_pw is the password for the Maintenance User name specified.
If you specify a Maintenance User name that does not
exist as an external login, ASE Replicator creates an external login
for the Maintenance User name you specify.