When you create a new primary article, ASE Replicator creates a shadow table in the Distribution Database for that article.
Shadow table names begin with the characters sh, followed by an incremented “odometer” value. For example, the name of the first shadow table created is sha.
ASE Replicator creates a unique index for each shadow table. Shadow table index names begin with the characters shidx, followed by an odometer value. For example, the name of the first shadow table index created is shidxa.
Shadow tables have several columns that point to a location in the transaction log table, and one column for each published field in the article. Each row in a shadow table identifies a single transaction operation for the primary article.
The shadow table schema depends on the type of primary object published:
Table with no large-object columns
Table with one or more large-object columns
Stored procedure
This following sections describe each type of Distribution Database shadow table.