Deletes an existing primary database connection definition.
sp_dropprimaryconn conn_name
is the name of a primary database connection. Connection names must be specified in the form ds.db, where:
ds is the name of the data server on which the primary database resides.
db is the name of the primary database.
sp_dropprimaryconn "boulder.doc"
Deletes the primary database connection definition for the database doc on the data server boulder.
If a primary connection has any publication defined for it, you must drop the publication before you drop the primary connection.
If you attempt to drop a primary connection that has a publication defined, sp_dropprimaryconn returns an error.
When the requested action occurs successfully, no results are returned.
When an error occurs, an error message is returned.
sp_addprimaryconn, sp_droppub, sp_dropreplicateconn, sp_helpprimaryart, sp_helpprimaryconn, sp_helppub