Resumes all replicate database connections or a specified replicate database connection.
sp_resumereplicateconn [conn_name]
is the name of a replicate database connection. The connection name (conn_name) must be specified in the form ds.db, where:
ds is the name of the data server on which the replicate database resides.
db is the name of the replicate database.
sp_resumereplicateconn "boulder.doc"
Resumes the replicate connection to the database doc on the data server boulder.
When you resume a replicate database connection with the sp_resumereplicateconn procedure, it resumes all subscriptions associated with that replicate database connection.
When you invoke sp_resumereplicateconn without specifying a connection name (conn_name), it resumes all replicate database connections.
When you invoke sp_resumereplicateconn and specify a connection name (conn_name), it resumes the replicate connection to the specified database.
When the requested action occurs successfully, no results are returned.
When an error occurs, an error message is returned.
sp_helpreplicateconn, sp_suspendreplicateconn