Perform the following tasks to check if the Sybase Real-Time Events component has been successfully installed.
To verify the RepConnector installation for EAServer:
Start EAServer.
On Windows:
Select Start | Programs | Sybase | Data Integration Common Services | EAServer | Start EAServer (JDK 1.4).
If RepConnector is installed successfully, you see the repra.log file in the %SYBASE%\EAServer\repra\logs directory. This log file contains RepConnector start-up information.
On Solaris:
Go to the $SYBASE directory and enter:
source SYBASE.csh
Go to the $SYBASE/EAServer/bin directory and enter:
./ -jdk14
If RepConnector is installed successfully, you see the repra.log file in the $SYBASE/EAServer/repra/logs directory. This log file contains RepConnector start-up information.
To verify that Sybase Real-Time Events ASE Active Messaging has been installed successfully:
Make sure you have the message bus software, such as IBM WebSphere MQ installed in your environment, and you have already set your environment variables to include:
%IBM_MQ%\bin to PATH on Windows.
$IBM_MQ/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Solaris.
IBM_MQ is the installation
directory for IBM WebSphere MQ.
Make sure the Sybase Real-Time Events ASE Active Messaging component has been installed successfully. To verify:
On Windows, go to the %SYBASE%\ASE-15_0\bin directory and check if sybibmmq.dll exists.
On Solaris, go to $SYBASE/ASE-15_0/lib directory and check if the file exists.
Make sure Adaptive Server is up and running.
On Windows, go to the %SYBASE%\ASE-15_0\scripts directory using a command prompt. Using isql, enter:
isql -Usa -P –Sserver_name -i instmstr
isql -Usa -P -Sserver_name -i installmsgsvss
isql -Usa -P -Sserver_name -i instmsgs.ebf
On Solaris, go to the $SYBASE/ASE-15_0/scripts directory. Using isql, enter:
isql -Usa -P –Sserver_name -i installmaster
isql -Usa -P -Sserver_name -i installmsgsvss
isql -Usa -P -Sserver_name -i instmsgs.ebf
The instmstr and installmaster script
returns system procedures to their original version, installmsgsvss script
installs system stored procedures for real-time messaging services,
and instmsgs.ebf script brings your Adaptive
Server messages up to the correct level.
Restart the ASE server.
On Windows, go to the %SYBASE% directory using a command prompt. On Solaris, go to the $SYBASE directory. Using isql, enter:
isql –Sserver_name –Usa -P
To configure the server to use real-time messaging, enter:
1>sp_configure "enable real time messaging", 1, "ibm_mq"
To verify if real-time messaging has been enabled, check the following directory to see if the SERVER.log file exists:
On Windows: %SYBASE%\ASE-15_0\install
On Solaris: $SYBASE/ASE-15_0/install