DI Suite includes components that help to implement key data integration techniques, including data federation, replication, real-time events, and data search, with integrated tools for development and administration.
DI Suite includes the following components:
Sybase Replication
Sybase Search
Sybase Data Federation
Sybase Real-Time Events
In addition, Sybase also offers the following tools for administration and development:
Sybase Data Services Administrator, which is included with the DI Suite.
Sybase WorkSpace, which is packaged separately from DI Suite.
The Sybase Replication component replicates transactional data and synchronizes operational data across heterogeneous databases in your enterprise.
It includes the following subcomponents, which you can install using DI Suite installer:
Replication Server – enables distribution and synchronization of operational data.
Replication Agents – captures transactions and transfers them to Replication Server.
DirectConnect – enables access to heterogeneous data sources, as well as mainframe data sources.
Sybase Replication supports replication of transactional
data from DB2 UDB running on a mainframe system to target databases
through Sybase Replication Agent for DB2 UDB for OS/390.
This is an option, which you need to purchase separately.
The Sybase Search component uses a natural language search to query and find information from structured and unstructured data in your enterprise.
It includes the following subcomponents, which you can install using DI Suite installer:
Hub Container – includes a central search server module (hub) that coordinates other search server modules. This hub contains the central query module that is the main access point for the entire Sybase Search system.
Satellite Container – includes a search server container that runs search server modules that you specify, for example, the file system import module or delegate query module.
Web Administration – includes the JSP/Servlet container used for search server administration.
The Sybase Data Federation component provides access to multiple, diverse data sources, and the ability to create a single, integrated view of enterprise data.
It includes the following subcomponents, which you can install using DI Suite installer:
Grid Server – hosts the data catalog, provides authorization services for clients that request data access, and runs data services and database operations.
Data Grid Access Server – provides high-performance caching and makes data catalogs and their contents available to Network File System (NFS) and Common Internet File System (CIFS) clients in a secure fashion.
Share Server – responsible for file I/O and making data stored in local file systems visible in the data catalog.
Firewall Proxy Server – makes federated data accessible across firewalls.
Command-line Client – enables you to perform all data federation and administration tasks using the command-line interface.
The Sybase Real-Time Events component captures and moves time-critical events from your heterogeneous data sources to business applications through a messaging infrastructure.
There are two Sybase Real-Time Events components you can install and use to capture data changes and propagate these changes to standard messaging architectures:
Sybase Real-Time Events – captures events from databases such as ASE and Oracle. It delivers these events to any standard messaging infrastructure such as Java Message Services (JMS) or messaging services from IBM WebSphere MQ. It contains the RepConnector, Replication Server, and Replication Agents subcomponents.
An integrated set of common services is installed with the Sybase Real-Time Events component, which are used internally by its components but not directly accessible by the user. These services include an application server, service container, messaging system, global catalog, and security infrastructure. To know more about these common services, see the Sybase Data Integration Suite Overview Guide.
Sybase Real-Time Events ASE Active Messaging – captures events from the ASE database and publishes directly to any standard messaging infrastructure such as Java Message Services or messaging services from IBM WebSphere MQ. This option is easy to configure, provides high performance, and enhanced transactional messaging support.
Real-Time Events ASE Active Messaging supports Adaptive Server Enterprise
(ASE) 12.5.4 or later, or ASE 15.0 ESD#2 or later.
Sybase Data Services Administrator (DSA) is the centralized management console for the administration of DI Suite components. It provides administration capabilities through its plug-in to the Sybase Central™ framework. DI Suite components are administered in DSA with GUI-based servers or server managers that are accessible via Web consoles and Sybase Central plug-ins.
Data Services Administrator is available for installation with every DI Suite component.
Sybase WorkSpace provides development capabilities for the Sybase Data Federation, Sybase Replication, and Sybase Real-Time Events components of DI Suite.
Sybase WorkSpace is packaged separately from DI Suite. You must use the installer provided with Sybase WorkSpace to install this development tool for DI Suite.
Sybase WorkSpace
is available on Windows only.
For more information about DI Suite and how to use the various components for your data integration needs, see Sybase Data Integration Suite Overview Guide.