set statistics plancost

The set statistics plancost option simplifies query analysis. It displays the estimated values for logical I/O, physical I/O, and row counts compared to the actual ones evaluated at each operator, and reports on CPU and sort buffer cost (cpu: 0 bufct: 16 in the example below). To enable this display, enter:

dbcc traceon(3604)
set statistics plancost on

For example, this query:

select S.service_key, M.year, M.fiscal_period,count(*) 
from telco_facts T,month M, service S 
where T.month_key=M.month_key 
  and T.service_key = S.service_key
  and S.call_waiting_flag='Y'
  and S.caller_id_flag='Y'
  and S.voice_mail_flag='Y'
group by M.year, M.fiscal_period, S.service_key 
order by M.year, M.fiscal_period, S.service_key

Produces this query tree:

                                                  (VA = 7)
                                                  12 rows est: 1200
                                                   cpu: 500                                          /
                                          (VA = 6)
                                           12 rows est: 1200                                  /
                                  Inner Join
                                  (VA = 5)
                                  242704 rows est: 244857
                        /                     \
                       Sort                   IndexScan
                      (VA = 3)                month_svc_idx (T)
                      72 rows est: 24         (VA = 4)
                      lio: 6 est: 6           242704 rows est: 244857
                      pio: 0 est: 0           lio: 1116 est: 0
                      cpu: 0 bufct: 16        pio: 0 est: 0
              Inner Join
              (VA = 2)

72 rows est: 24 
/                       \
TableScan               TableScan
month (M)               service (S)
(VA = 0)                (VA = 1)
24 rows est: 24         72 rows est: 24
lio: 1 est: 0           lio: 24 est: 0
pio: 0 est: 0            pio: 0 est: 0

If set statistics planview estimates the wrong row counts, the optimizer estimates are also off. This may be caused by missing or stale statistics. This is described in the following query (which is also run with show_missing_stats enabled):

dbcc traceon(3604)
set option show_missing_stats on
set statistics plancost on
            sum(l_quantity) as sum_qty,
            sum(l_extendedprice) as sum_base_price,
            sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as sum_disc_price,
            sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) * (1 + l_tax)) as sum_charge,
            avg(l_quantity) as avg_qty,
            avg(l_extendedprice) as avg_price,
            avg(l_discount) as avg_disc,
            count(*) as count_order
           l_shipdate <= dateadd(day, 79, '1998-12-01')
group by
order by
==================== Lava Operator Tree ====================
                                                   (VA = 4)
                                                   4 rows est: 100
                                                   cpu: 800

                                                (VA = 3)
                                                4 rows est: 100

                                         (VA = 2)

                                         4 rows est: 100
                                   (VA = 1)
                                   60175 rows est: 19858
                                   lio: 2470 est: 284
                                   pio: 2355 est: 558
                                   cpu: 1900 bufct: 21
                          (VA = 0)
                          60175 rows est: 19858
                          lio: 4157 est: 4157
                          pio: 1205 est: 4157


NO STATS on column lineitem.l_shipdate

(4 rows affected)

The estimated number of rows is incorrect at the scan level. The query does have a predicate:

l_shipdate <= dateadd(day, 79, '1998-12-01')

If there are no statistics on l_shipdate, the query processor uses an arbitrary value. In this example, the query processor uses a value that creates an estimated row count of 19858 rows, which is far from the actual row count of 60175 rows, and is why the query processor decided to run a sort; the cost of a sort appears cheaper if the query processor estimates that the number of rows streamed into the sorter is a third of the actual count. The row reduction of the GroupSorted operator is also significant; reduced from 60175 to 4 rows, so the advantages of the GroupSorted algorithm are overridden by a hash-based grouping algorithm, which would probably cache all the data in memory.

Based on the value from the show_missing_stats option, the query processor decided to run update statistics on the l_shipdate column:

update statistics lineitem(l_shipdate)

If you re-run the query, this query tree is produced:

==================== Lava Operator Tree ====================

                                                       (VA = 4)
                                                       4 rows est: 100
                                                       cpu: 0
                                               (VA = 3)
                                               4 rows est: 100
                                     (VA = 2)
                                     4 rows est: 100
                                     lio: 6 est: 6
                                     pio: 0 est: 0
                                     cpu: 800 bufct: 16
                          (VA = 1)
                          4 rows est: 100
                          lio: 5 est: 5
                          pio: 0 est: 0
                          bufct: 16
                  (VA = 0)
                  60175 rows est: 60175
                  lio: 4157 est: 4157
                  pio: 1039 est: 4157

After update statistics runs, the estimated row count for the TableScan operator is the same as the actual row count, and the query plan changes to use the HashVectAgg (that is, hash-based vector aggregation) instead of the Sort and GroupSorted combination in the earlier example. The query also runs much faster.

You can perform more work to improve the query. The output of the HashVectAgg operator shows an estimated rowcount of 100, but the actual rowcount is 4. Because the grouping columns are on l_returnflag and l_linestatus, you can create a density on this pair of columns:

use tpcd
update statistics lineitem(l_returnflag, l_linestatus)
set showplan on
set statistics plancost on

If you re-run the query, you get this query plan:


4 operator(s) under root

The type of query is SELECT.

ROOT:EMIT Operator

|RESTRICT Operator
|   |SORT Operator
|   | Using Worktable2 for internal storage.
|   |
|   |   |  GROUP BY
|   |   |  Evaluate Grouped COUNT AGGREGATE. |   |   |  Evaluate Grouped SUM OR            AVERAGE AGGREGATE.
|   |   |  Evaluate Grouped COUNT AGGREGATE.
|   |   |  Evaluate Grouped SUM OR AVERAGE AGGREGATE.
|   |   |  Evaluate Grouped SUM OR AVERAGE AGGREGATE.
|   |   |  Evaluate Grouped SUM OR AVERAGE AGGREGATE.
|   |   |  Evaluate Grouped SUM OR AVERAGE AGGREGATE.
|   |   |  Using Worktable1 for internal storage.
|   |   |  
|   |   |  |  SCAN Operator
|   |   |  |  FROM TABLE
|   |   |  |  lineitem
|   |   |  |  Table Scan.
|   |   |  |  Forward Scan.
|   |   |  |  Positioning at start of table.
|   |   |  |  Using I/O Size 2 Kbytes for data pages.
|   |   |  |  With MRU Buffer Replacement Strategy for data pages.

==================== Lava Operator Tree ====================
                                                     (VA = 4)
                                                     4 rows est: 4
                                                     cpu: 0

                                            (VA = 3)
                                            4 rows est: 4

                                    (VA = 2)
                                    4 rows est: 4
                                    lio: 6 est: 6
                                    pio: 0 est: 0
                                    cpu: 700 bufct: 16
                           Count (VA = 1)
                           4 rows est: 4
                           lio: 5 est: 5
                           pio: 0 est: 0
                           bufct: 16
                  (VA = 0)
                  60175 rows est: 60175
                  lio: 4157 est: 4157
                  pio: 1264 est: 4157

The estimated row count for HashVectAgg is same as that of the actual row count.