ASE plug-in for Sybase Central

This section describes issues associated with Sybase Central version 4.3.

NoteYou must have Java installed to run Sybase Central.

Adaptive Server 15.0 includes Sybase Central release 4.3. However, this version of Sybase Central may not be the same build as Sybase Central 4.3 installed from other Adaptive Server installations. The Sybase Central build shipped with Adaptive Server 15.0 supports plug-ins for SySAM, Unified Agent Framework (UAF), and includes new functionality not available in previous releases (starting, stopping, pinging remote servers, remote error log viewing, automatic server detection, server groups, and so on.

The previous release of Sybase Central was located in $SYBASE. The version shipped with Adaptive Serer 15.0 is located in $SYBASE/shared/sybcentral43. (%SBASE%\Shared\Sybase Central43 on Windows). This change of location can lead to a number of problems if you leave the previous version intact as program launch icons, or if your path settings or CLASSPATH points to the previous location.

Rename your old Sybase Central directory to disassociate it from the new version. After you have used the new version for a period of time and you are sure all the product plug-ins are compatible with the new release, you can delete the old version. Product plug-ins are individually available from

Displaying servers listed in sql.ini

The Adaptive Server plug-in to Sybase Central no longer displays all servers listed in the sql.ini file. Instead, Sybase Central lists only those servers that you connected to earlier, or those servers that are started as Windows NT services. To access a new server for the first time, use the Connect menu option in the Adaptive Server plug-in to select a server listed in the sql.ini file.


When using Sybase Central:

When it crashes, Sybase Central creates a stack trace in a file named scj-errors.txt (if there are multiple crashes, the files are numbered sequentially, so scj-errors-2.txt is the next file, and so on) located in the Sybase Central home directory. If you are reporting problems to Sybase Technical Support, include this file because it identifies the plug-in and Jar file versions used by Sybase Central and the plug-ins.