Microsoft update affects DataWindow Web ActiveX

If the Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (912812) or a subsequent update is installed on the computer where the DataWindow Web Control for ActiveX (Web ActiveX) is running, a browser refresh does not refresh the control correctly. This update is described in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-013, published in April 2006.

To work around this issue, move the <OBJECT> tag from the main HTML file to a separate JavaScript file, as shown in this example:

// HTML file
<BODY bgColor="white" PSPARAMS="">
<P>Put your data here </P>
   <div id="DivID">
      <script src="createElement.js"></script>

The createElement.js JavaScript file contains the Object tag:

// createElement.js file
var d = document.getElementById("DivID");
d.innerHTML = 
'<OBJECT id="OBJECT1" style="WIDTH: 627px; HEIGHT: 320px" codeBase="" classid="CLSID:A5A51503-A5A5-1000-8000-080009AC61A9">'
+'<PARAM NAME="_Version" VALUE="65536"></PARAM>'
+'<PARAM NAME="_ExtentX" VALUE="16589"></PARAM>'
+'<PARAM NAME="_ExtentY" VALUE="8467"></PARAM>'
+'<PARAM NAME="_StockProps" VALUE="2"></PARAM>'
+'<PARAM NAME="Caption" VALUE=""></PARAM>'
+'<PARAM NAME="SourceFileName" VALUE="test.psr"></PARAM>'
+'<PARAM NAME="DataWindowObject" VALUE="test.psr"></PARAM>'
+'<PARAM NAME="LogPass" VALUE=""></PARAM>'
+'<PARAM NAME="dbParm" VALUE=""></PARAM>'
+'<PARAM NAME="SuppressEvents" VALUE="0"></PARAM>'
+'<PARAM NAME="VScrollBar" VALUE="0"></PARAM>'
+'<PARAM NAME="HScrollBar" VALUE="0"></PARAM>'
+'<PARAM NAME="HSplitScroll" VALUE="0"></PARAM>'
+'<PARAM NAME="LiveScroll" VALUE="0"></PARAM>'