Specifies that PowerBuilder bind input parameters in dynamic SQL statements when executing a stored procedure.
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
For SNC, when BindSPInput is set to 0, you can use the same syntax to declare a stored procedure in a script as you can when using the PowerBuilder OLE DB interface. When BindSPInput is set to 1, the SNC interface supports SQL Server large value datatypes as procedure IN/OUT parameters or function return values.
The syntax for declaring a procedure with SNC is:
DECLARE logical_procedure_name PROCEDURE FOR [@rc=]procedure_name {@param1=value1 [OUTPUT], @param2=value2 [OUTPUT], ...} {USING transaction_object};
[@rc=] indicates that you want to get the procedure's return value.
Use the keyword OUTPUT or OUT to indicate an output parameter if you want to get the output parameter’s value.
If BindSPInput=0, value1, value2,... can be either PowerBuilder script variables or literal values. If BindSPInput=1, value1, value2,… must be PowerBuilder script variables. If you specify literal values, the SNC interface returns a runtime error.
When you declare a dynamic SQL statement with a procedure, enter a question mark (?) for each IN/OUT parameter in the statement. Value substitution is positional. For examples, see Dynamic SQL Format 3 and 4 in the online Help.
For Oracle, set BindSPInput to 1 to ensure that CLOB, NCLOB, and BLOB parameters work correctly as stored procedure parameters.
To specify that PowerBuilder should bind parameters in dynamic SQL statements when executing a stored procedure:
Database profile Select the Bind Procedure Parameters check box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Application Type the following in code: