When you update data in the DataWindow painter, PowerBuilder builds a SQL UPDATE statement in the background. The DateTimeFormat parameter determines how PowerBuilder specifies a DateTime datatype when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement. (A DateTime datatype contains both a date value and a time value.)
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
DateTimeFormat='datetime_format '
Parameter |
Description |
datetime_format |
The datetime format you want PowerBuilder to use when it builds a SQL UPDATE statement to update a data source in the DataWindow painter. For more on display formats, see the Users Guide. |
If no value is specified for the DateTimeFormat parameter, PowerBuilder does not use a datetime datatype.
When you call stored procedures, the database server might not accept the DateTime format built by PowerBuilder. If this occurs, you can try to use another format. For example, for Microsoft SQL Server, try this format:
DateTimeFormat='\''yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.fff\'''
Assume you are updating a table named Files by setting the Timestamp column to 4/2/06 3:45 pm. This DateTime is represented by the following DateTime format:
m/d/yy h:mm am/pm
To specify that PowerBuilder should use this format for the DateTime datatype when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement:
Database profile Type the following in the DateTime Format box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
m/d/yy h:mm am/pm
Application Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm="DateTimeFormat='m/d/yy h:mm am/pm'"
What happens PowerBuilder builds the following SQL UPDATE statement to update the table:
SET TIMESTAMP='4/2/06 3:45 pm'