Sample output

The following sample shows sp_sysmon output for the “Transaction Profile” section.

Transaction Profile
  Transaction Summary          per sec   per xact    count  % of total
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------- 
    Committed Xacts               16.5        n/a     9871     n/a     
  Transaction Detail           per sec   per xact    count  % of total
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------- 
      APL Heap Table             229.8       14.0   137900      98.6 %
      APL Clustered Table          2.5        0.2     1511       1.1 %
      Data Only Lock Table         0.9        0.1      512       0.4 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------- 
    Total Rows Inserted          233.2       14.2   139923      91.5 %
      APL Deferred                 0.5        0.0      287       2.3 %
      APL Direct In-place          0.0        0.0       15       0.1 %
      APL Direct Cheap             0.0        0.0        3       0.0 %
      APL Direct Expensive         0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
      DOL Deferred                 0.4        0.0      255       2.1 %
      DOL Direct                  19.7        1.2    11802      95.5 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------- 
    Total Rows Updated            20.6        1.3    12362       8.1 %
    Data Only Locked Updates
      DOL Replace                 19.6        1.2    11761      97.6 %
      DOL Shrink                   0.0        0.0        1       0.0 %
      DOL Cheap Expand             0.3        0.0      175       1.5 %
      DOL Expensive Expand         0.2        0.0      101       0.8 %
      DOL Expand & Forward         0.0        0.0       18       0.1 %
      DOL Fwd Row Returned         0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------- 
    Total DOL Rows Updated        20.1        1.2    12056       7.9 %
      APL Deferred                 0.5        0.0      308      48.4 %
      APL Direct                   0.0        0.0        9       1.4 %
      DOL                          0.5        0.0      320      50.2 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------- 
    Total Rows Deleted             1.1        0.1      637       0.4 %
  =========================  =========  =========  =======
    Total Rows Affected          254.9       15.5   152922