Sample output for column statistics

The following sample shows the statistics for the city column in the authors table:

Statistics for column:                 "city"
Last update of column statistics:      Jul 20 1998  6:05:26:656PM

     Range cell density:               0.0007283200000000
     Total density:                    0.0007283200000000
     Range selectivity:                default used (0.33)
     In between selectivity:           default used (0.25)
Table 37-6: Column statistics

Row label

Information provided

Statistics for column

Name of the column; if this block of information provides information about a prefix subset in a compound index or column list, the row label is “Statistics for column group.”

Last update of column statistics

Date the index was created, date that update statistics was last run, or date that optdiag was last used to change statistics.

Statistics originated from upgrade of distribution page

Statistics resulted from an upgrade of a pre-11.9 distribution page. This message is not printed if update statistics has been run on the table or index or if the index has been dropped and re-created after an upgrade.

If this message appears in optdiag output, running update statistics is recommended.

Statistics loaded from Optdiag

optdiag was used to change sysstatistics information. create index commands print warning messages indicating that edited statistics are being overwritten.

This row is not displayed if the statistics were generated by update statistics or create index.

Range cell density

Density for equality search arguments on the column.

See “Range cell and total density values”.

Total density

Join density for the column. This value is used to estimate the number of rows that will be returned for a join on this column.

See “Range cell and total density values”.

Range selectivity

Prints the default value of .33, unless the value has been updated using optdiag input mode.

This is the value used for range queries if the search argument is not known at optimize time.

In between selectivity

Prints the default value of .25, unless the value has been updated using optdiag input mode.

This is the value used for range queries if the search argument is not known at optimize time.