Deleting data

delete works for both single-row and multiple-row operations.

A simplified version of delete syntax is:

delete table_name 
     where column_name = expression 

Here is the complete syntax statement, which shows that you can remove rows either on the basis of specified expressions or based on data from other tables:

delete [from] 
     [[database.]owner.]{view_name | table_name}
     [where search_conditions]

delete [[database.]owner.] {table_name | view_name} 
     [from [[database.]owner.]{view_name | table_name
          [(index {index_name | table_name }
               [prefetch size ] [ lru | mru])]} 
          [, [[database.]owner.] {view_name | table_name
          (index {index_name | table_name }
               [prefetch size ] [lru | mru])]}]...] 
     [where search_conditions] 

delete [from] 
     [[database.]owner.] {table_name | view_name}
     where current of cursor_name 

The where clause specifies which rows are to be removed. When no where clause is given in the delete statement, all rows in the table are removed.