sp_configure allows you to specify the value for configuration parameters in unit specifiers. The unit specifiers are p or P for pages, m or M for megabytes, and g or G for gigabytes. If you do not specify a unit, and you are configuring a parameter that controls memory, Adaptive Server uses the logical page size for the basic unit.
The syntax to indicate a particular unit specification is:
sp_configure "parameter name", 0, "p|P|k|K|m|M|g|G"
You must include the “0” as a placeholder.
For example, when configuring max memory for a server that is using 2K pages to 100M, the syntax is:
sp_configure "max memory", 51200
However, you can also set max memory for this server to 100M, using the “m” unit specification by typing:
sp_configure "max memory", 0, "100m"
You can use this unit specification to configure any parameter. For example, when setting number of locks to 1024 you can enter:
sp_configure "number of locks", 1024
sp_configure "number of locks", 0, 1K
This functionality will not change the way in which Adaptive Server reports sp_configure output.