lock spinlock ratio

Summary information

Default value


Range of values




Display level


Required role

System Administrator

Adaptive Server manages the acquiring and releasing of locks using an internal hash table with a configurable number of hash buckets. On SMP systems, this hash table can use one or more spinlocks to serialize access between processes running on different engines. To set the number of hash buckets, use the lock hashtable size.

For Adaptive Servers running with multiple engines, the lock spinlock ratio sets a ratio that determines the number of lock hash buckets that are protected by one spinlock. If you increase lock hashtable size, the number of spinlocks increases, so the number of hash buckets protected by one spinlock remains the same.

Adaptive Server’s default value for lock spinlock ratio is 85. With lock hashtable size set to the default value of 2048, the default spinlock ratio defines 26 spinlocks for the lock hash table. For more information about configuring spinlock ratios, see “Configuring spinlock ratio parameters” of the System Administration Guide.

sp_sysmon reports on the average length of the hash chains in the lock hash table. See the Performance and Tuning Guide for more information.