sybsystemdb database

The sybsystemdb database stores information about distributed transactions. Adaptive Server versions 12.0 and later can provide transaction coordination services for transactions that are propagated to remote servers using remote procedure calls (RPCs) or Component Integration System (CIS). Information about remote servers participating in distributed transactions is stored in the syscoordinations table.

NoteAdaptive Server version 12.0 and later distributed transaction management services are available as a separately-licensed feature. You must purchase and install a valid license for Distributed Transaction Management before it can be used. See Using Adaptive Server Distributed Transaction Management Features and the installation guide for more information.

The sybsystemdb database also stores information about SYB2PC transactions that use the Sybase two-phase commit protocol. The spt_committab table, which stores information about and tracks the completion status of each two-phase commit transaction, is stored in the sybsystemdb database.

Two-phase commit transactions and how to create the sybsystemdb database is discussed in detail in the configuration documentation for your platform.