Explicitly configuring the default cache

You must explicitly configure the size of the default data cache because it is specified with an absolute value. Use sp_helpcache to see the amount of memory remaining that can be used for the cache. For example:

Cache Name                Config Size     Run Size       Overhead
------------------------ -------------    ----------     ----------
default data cache         25.00 Mb       25.00 Mb        0.22 Mb
pubs_cache                 10.00 Mb       10.00 Mb        0.11 Mb
pubs_log                   31.25 Mb       31.25 Mb        0.27 Mb

Memory Available For      Memory Configured
Named Caches              To Named Caches
--------------------      ----------------
66.44 Mb                    66.25 Mb

------------------ Cache Binding Information: ------------------

Cache Name    Entity Name Type    Index Name             Status
----------    ----------------    ----------             ----------

To specify the absolute size of the default data cache, execute sp_cacheconfig with default data cache and a size value. This command sets the default data cache size to 25MB:

sp_cacheconfig "default data cache", "25M"

After a restart of the server, “Config Value” shows the value.

Cache Name                Status    Type     Config Value Run Value
------------------------- --------- -------- ------------ ------------
default data cache        Active    Default      25.00 Mb     49.37 Mb
pubs_cache                Active    Mixed        10.00 Mb     10.00 Mb
                                             ------------ ------------
                                      Total      10.00 Mb    59.37 Mb
Cache: default data cache,   Status: Active,   Type: Default
    Config Size: 25.00 Mb,   Run Size: 49.37 Mb
    Config Replacement: strict LRU,   Run Replacement: strict LRU
    Config Partition:            1,   Run Partition:            1

IO Size  Wash Size Config Size  Run Size     APF Percent
-------- --------- ------------ ------------ -----------
    2 Kb 10110 Kb     00.00 Mb    49.37 Mb      10
Cache: pubs_cache,   Status: Active,   Type: Mixed
    Config Size: 10.00 Mb,   Run Size: 10.00 Mb
    Config Replacement: strict LRU,   Run Replacement: strict LRU
    Config Partition:            1,   Run Partition:            1

IO Size  Wash Size Config Size  Run Size     APF Percent
-------- --------- ------------ ------------ -----------
    2 Kb   2048 Kb    0.00 Mb    10.00 Mb    10

You can change the size of the default data cache by using sp_cacheconfig. Any changes made to the size of the default data cache will not affect the size of any other cache. Similarly, once the size of the default data cache is specified, the configuration of other user-defined caches does not alter the size of the default data cache. When a user-defined cache is created, the memory is taken from max memory, without changing the size of the default data cache.

NoteIf you configure the default data cache and then reduce max memory to a level that sets the total logical memory value higher than the max memory value, Adaptive Server will not start. Edit your configuration file to increase the size of other caches and increase the values of configuration parameters that require memory to create an environment in which total logical memory is higher than max memory. See Chapter 18, “Configuring Memory,” for more information.

The default data cache and all user-defined caches are explicitly configured with an absolute value. In addition, many configuration parameters use memory. To maximize performance and avoid errors, set the value of max memory to a level high enough to accommodate all caches and all configuration parameters that use memory.

Adaptive Server issues a warning message if you set max memory to a value less than total logical memory.