You can manage SQLJ functions and procedures from the command line using isql and from the Adaptive Server plug-in to Sybase Central. From the Adaptive Server plug-in you can:
Create a SQLJ function or procedure
Execute a SQLJ function or procedure
View and modify the properties of a SQLJ function or procedure
Delete a SQLJ function or procedure
View the dependencies of a SQLJ function or procedure
Create permissions for a SQLJ procedure
The following procedures describes how to create and view the properties of a SQLJ routine. You can view dependencies and create and view permissions from the routine’s property sheet.
Creating a SQLJ function/procedure
First, create and compile the Java method. Install the method class in the database using installjava. Then follow these steps:
Start the Adaptive Server plug-in and connect to Adaptive Server.
Double-click on the database in which you want to create the routine.
Open the SQLJ Procedures/SQLJ Functions folder.
Double-click the Add new Java Stored Procedure/Function icon.
Use the Add new Java Stored Procedure/Function wizard to create the SQLJ procedure or function.
When you have finished using the wizard, the Adaptive Server plug-in displays the SQLJ routine you have created in an edit screen, where you can modify the routine and execute it.
To view the properties of a SQLJ function or procedure
Start the Adaptive Server plug-in and connect to Adaptive Server.
Double-click on the database in which the routine is stored.
Open the SQLJ Procedures/SQLJ Functions folder.
Highlight a function or procedure icon.
Select File | Properties.