The main( ) method of ResultSetXml is executed in a client environment. It copies the file OrderResultSet.xml, constructs a ResultSetXml object containing the contents of that file, and invokes the toSqlScript( ) method of that object to generate a SQL script that re-creates the data of the result set. The method stores the SQL script in the file order-resultset-copy.sql.
import*; import jcs.util.*; public class ResultSet2Sql{ public static void main (String[] args) { try{ String xml = FileUtil.file2String("OrderResultSet.xml"); xml.resultset.ResultSetXml rsx = new xml.resultset.ResultSetXml(xml); String sqlScript = rsx.toSqlScript("orderresultset_copy", "col_","no"); FileUtil.string2File("order-resultset-copy.sql",sqlScript); ExecSql.statement(sqlScript,“antibes:4000?user=sa”); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); } } }
This is the SQL script generated by ResultSet2Sql.
set quoted_identifier on create table orderresultset_copy ( Date datetime not null , CustomerId varchar (5) not null , CustomerName varchar (50) not null , ItemId varchar (5) not null , ItemName varchar (20) not null , Quantity integer not null , unit smallint not null )
insert into orderresultset_copy values ( '1999-07-04 00:00:00.0', '123', 'Acme Alpha', '987', 'Widget', 5, 1 ) insert into orderresultset_copy values ( '1999-07-04 00:00:00.0', '123', 'Acme Alpha', '654', 'Medium connecter', 3, 12 ) insert into orderresultset_copy values ( '1999-07-04 00:00:00.0', '123', 'Acme Alpha', '579', 'Type 3 clasp', 1, 1 )
The SQL script includes the set quoted_identifier on command for those cases where the generated SQL uses quoted identifiers.