References a field or method of a class or class instance.
member_reference ::= class_member_reference | instance_member_reference
class_member_reference ::= java_sql_class_name.method_name
instance_member_reference ::= instance_expression>>member_name
instance_expression ::= column_reference | variable_name | parameter_name | method_call | member_reference
member_name ::= field_name | method_name
An expression that describes a field or method of a class or object.
An expression that describes a static method of a Java-SQL class.
An expression that describes a static or dynamic method or field of a Java-SQL class instance.
A fully qualified name of a Java-SQL class in the current database.
An expression whose datatype is a Java-SQL class.
The name of a field or method of the class or class instance.
If a member references a field of a class instance, the instance has a null value, and the Java-SQL member reference is the target of a fetch, select, or update statement, then an exception is raised.
Otherwise, the Java-SQL member reference has the null value.
The double angle (>>) and dot (.) qualification take precedence over any operator, such as the addition (+) or equal to (=) operator, for example:
X>>A1>>B1 + X>>A1>>B2
In this expression, the addition operation is performed after the members have been referenced.
The field or method designated by a member reference is associated with the same database as that of its Java-SQL class or instance of its Java-SQL class.
If the Java type of a member reference is one of the Java scalar types (such as boolean, byte, and so on), then the corresponding SQL datatype of the reference is obtained by mapping the Java type to its equivalent SQL type.
If the Java type of a member reference is an object type, then the SQL datatype is the same Java object type or class.