Audit Trails and Sybase Failover

Audit trails are logged in the audit tables of sybsecurity database. During failover, sybsecurity for the failed server is mounted as sybsecurity_companion on the secondary companion. However, audit trails are always placed in the audit table of the current server. That is, after failover any new audit trails are placed in the audit table of the secondary companion. Also, auditing configuration changes and auditing record changes that are made on one companion are not implemented on the other companion. For example, if you change one of the auditing configuration parameters on the primary companion, this change would not be made on the secondary companion. And, if a user performs makes a change to a database on the primary companion that requires an audit record, this audit record is not made on the secondary companion as well.

On failback, no audit trails are transferred from the failed-over domain to the failed domain.