You must perform the tasks described in Add Entries for Both Adaptive Servers to the Interfaces File, above, before running installhasvss.
If you run installhasvss before performing
these tasks you will have to re-run installmaster to
re-install all the system stored procedures.
The installhasvss script performs the following tasks to configure Adaptive Server for failover:
Installs the stored procedures required for failover (for example, sp_companion).
Installs the SYB_HACMP server in sysservers.
You must have System Administrator privileges to run the installhasvss script.
installhasvss in located in the $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/scripts directory. To execute the installhasvss script, enter:
$SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/bin/isql -Usa -Ppassword -Sservername < ../scripts/installhasvss
installhasvss prints messages as it creates stored procedures and creates the SYB_HACMP server.