After you configure your companions for asymmetric failover, you can configure them for symmetric configuration. In a symmetric configuration, both servers act as primary and secondary companions. See Figure 3-2 for a description of symmetric configuration.
Issue sp_companion from the secondary companion to configure it for symmetric configuration. Use the same syntax as for asymmetric configuration. See “Configure for Asymmetric Configuration,” for a description of the syntax for sp_companion.
The following example adds an Adaptive Server named MONEY1 as the secondary companion to the Adaptive Server named PERSONEL1 described in “Configure for Asymmetric Configuration”. Issue the following command from server MONEY1:
sp_companion 'PERSONNEL1', configure, sa, MyPassword, sa_cluster_login, MyClusterPassword
Server 'MONEY1' is alive and cluster configured. Step: Access verified from Server:'MONEY1' to Server:'PERSONEL1' Server 'PERSONEL1' is alive and cluster configured. Step: Access verified from Server:'PERSONEL1' to Server:'MONEY1' (1 row affected) (1 row affected) (1 row affected) (1 row affected) (1 row affected) (1 row affected) ..... Step: Companion servers configuration check succeeded Step: Server handshake succeeded Step: Master device accessible from companion Step: Added the servers 'MONEY1' and 'PERSONEL1' for cluster config Step: Server configuration initialization succeeded Step: Synchronizing server logins from companion server Step: Synchronizing remoteserver from companion server Step: Synchronizing roles from companion server Step: Synchronizing server-wide privs from companion server Step: User information syncup succeeded Step: Server configured in normal companion mode