Configure the primary companion for asymmetric configuration. Issue the following from the secondary companion:
sp_companion "primary_server_name", configure, with_proxydb, login_name, password
primary_server_name is the name of the primary Adaptive Server as defined in the interfaces file entry and in sysservers.
The with_proxydb indicates that proxy databases are created on the secondary companion for all databases other than system databases. Any subsequent databases that are added also create proxy databases.
login_name is the name of the user performing this cluster operation (they must have both the sa_role and the ha_role).
password is the password of the person performing this cluster operation
This example configures an Adaptive Server named PERSONEL1 as a secondary companion:
sp_companion "MONEY1", configure, with_proxydb, sa, "Odd2Think"
Server 'MONEY1' is alive and cluster configured. Step: Access verified from Server:'MONEY1' to Server:'PERSONEL1' Server 'PERSONEL1' is alive and cluster configured. Step: Access verified from Server:'PERSONEL1' to Server:'MONEY1' (1 row affected) (1 row affected) (1 row affected) (1 row affected) (1 row affected) (1 row affected) ..... Step: Companion servers configuration check succeeded Step: Server handshake succeeded Step: Master device accessible from companion Step: Added the servers 'MONEY1' and 'PERSONEL1' for cluster config Step: Server configuration initialization succeeded Step: Synchronizing server logins from companion server Step: Synchronizing remoteserver from companion server Step: Synchronizing roles from companion server Step: Synchronizing server-wide privs from companion server Step: User information syncup succeeded Step: Server configured in normal companion mode
If there are user databases during the sp_companion configuration, you see messages similar to these:
Step: Created proxy database ‘pubs2’ Step: Proxy status for database has been set. Please Checkpoint the database 'pubs2' Step: Server configured in normal companion mode” Starting companion watch thread
Before you configure the companions for symmetric configuration, you must first configure them for asymmetric configuration.
See “Asymmetric Companion Configuration” for more information about asymmetric configuration.