Copying in data with field lengths

In this example, bcp copies data from the salesnew file into the pubs2..sales table.

In the salesnew file are three fields: the first is 4 characters long, the second is 20, and the third is 26 characters long. Each row ends with a newline terminator (\n), as follows:

5023ZS-731-AAB-780-2B9							May 24 1993 12:00:00:000AM
5023XC-362-CFB-387-3Z5							May 24 1993 12:00:00:000AM
6380837206							May 24 1993 12:00:00:000AM
6380838441							May 24 1993 12:00:00:000AM

Use the following command to copy in the data interactively from salesnew:

bcp pubs2..sales in salesnew

The system responds to the bcp command as follows:

Enter the file storage type of field stor_id [char]:
Enter prefix-length of field stor_id [0]:
Enter length of field stor_id [4]:
Enter field terminator [none]:
Enter the file storage type of field ord_num [char]:
Enter prefix-length of field ord_num [1]: 0
Enter length of field ord_num [20]:
Enter field terminator [none]:
Enter the file storage type of field date [datetime]: char
Enter prefix-length of field date [1]: 0
Enter length of field date [26]:
Enter field terminator [none]: \n
Do you want to save this format information in a file? [Y/n] y
Host filename [bcp.fmt]: salesin_fmt
Starting copy...
4 rows copied.
Clock Time (ms.): total = 1 Avg = 0 (116000.00 rows per sec.)

When you log in to Adaptive Server and access sales, you see the following data from salesnew appended to the table:

select * from sales
stor_id			ord_num							date
------- -------------------- -------------------------
 5023			AB-123-DEF-425-1Z3							Oct 31 1985 12:00AM
 5023			AB-872-DEF-732-2Z1							Nov  6 1985 12:00AM
 5023			AX-532-FED-452-2Z7							Dec  1 1990 12:00AM
 5023			BS-345-DSE-860-1F2							Dec 12 1986 12:00AM
 5023			GH-542-NAD-713-9F9							Mar 15 1987 12:00AM
 5023			NF-123-ADS-642-9G3							Jul 18 1987 12:00AM
 5023			XS-135-DER-432-8J2							Mar 21 1991 12:00AM
 5023			ZA-000-ASD-324-4D1							Jul 27 1988 12:00AM
 5023			ZD-123-DFG-752-9G8							Mar 21 1991 12:00AM
 5023			ZS-645-CAT-415-1B2							Mar 21 1991 12:00AM
 5023			ZZ-999-ZZZ-999-0A0							Mar 21 1991 12:00AM
 6380			234518							Sep 30 1987 12:00AM
 6380			342157							Dec 13 1985 12:00AM
 6380			356921							Feb 17 1991 12:00AM
 7066			BA27618							Oct 12 1985 12:00AM
 7066			BA52498							Oct 27 1987 12:00AM
 7066			BA71224							Aug  5 1988 12:00AM
 7067			NB-1.142							Jan  2 1987 12:00AM
 7067			NB-3.142							Jun 13 1990 12:00AM
 7131			Asoap132							Nov 16 1986 12:00AM
 7131			Asoap432							Dec 20 1990 12:00AM
 7131			Fsoap867							Sep  8 1987 12:00AM
 7896			124152							Aug 14 1986 12:00AM
 7896			234518							Feb 14 1991 12:00AM
 8042			12-F-9							Jul 13 1986 12:00AM
 8042			13-E-7							May 23 1989 12:00AM
 8042			13-J-9							Jan 13 1988 12:00AM
 8042			55-V-7							Mar 20 1991 12:00AM
 8042			91-A-7							Mar 20 1991 12:00AM
 8042			91-V-7							Mar 20 1991 12:00AM
 (34 rows affected)

Since there is a unique clustered index on the stor_id and ord_num columns of sales, the new rows were sorted in order.

A conflict or violation can affect the copy process: