Changing terminators from the command line

Terminators are the characters that separate data fields (field terminators). The row terminator is the field terminator of the last field in the table or file. Use the -tfield_terminator and -rrow_terminator command line options with the character format option (-c) to change the terminators from the command line.

The following example uses the comma (,) as the field terminator and return (\r) as the row terminator. In UNIX platforms:

bcp pubs2..publishers out pub_out -c -t , -r \\r

Remember to “escape” the backslash, if necessary, for your operating system command shell.

In Windows NT:

bcp pubs2..publishers out pub_out -c -t , -r \r

This bcp command line produces the following information:

0736,New Age Books,Boston,MA
0877,Binnet  & Hardley,Washington,DC
1389,Algodata Infosystems,Berkeley,CA

NoteYou can use the -t and -r options to change the default terminators without including the character option (-c).