Restore the replication functionality:
Log in to the RSSD for each replicated primary, and for each replicated RSSD, and issue:
1> use RSSD_name 2> go
1> rs_zeroltm dataserver, database 2> go
Log in to each replicated primary, and replicated RSSD and issue:
1> use database 2> go
1> dbcc settrunc ('ltm', 'valid') 2> go
Restart the Replication Server.
If the database is also used as a RSSD, resume the Replication Server connection to the RSSD by issuing the following command to the Replication Server:
1> sysadmin hibernate_off, 'Replication Server' 2> go
Make sure to specify the same string that was specified during the 'hibernate_on' command.
Log in to the Replication Server, and resume the Log Transfer connection for each replicated primary and each replicated RSSD:
1> resume log transfer from server.database 2> go
If this is a replicated RSSD, you must log in to the replicate Replication Server.
If you are using Rep Agent, log in to the Adaptive Server and restart the Rep Agent:
1> use database 2> go 1> sp_start_rep_agent database 2> go
If you are using LTM, restart the LTM.