Configuring libtcl.cfg for LDAP

In its simplest form, the libtcl.cfg file is in this format:

When an LDAP server is specified in the libtcl.cfg file and the libtcl64.cfg file (when applicable to your platform,) the server information is accessible only from the LDAP server. Adaptive Server ignores the interfaces file. Open Client and Open Server applications that use the -i option at start-up override the libtcl.cfg file and use the interfaces file.

To use a directory service, you must:

  1. Configure the libtcl.cfg file, and the libtcl64.cfg file (when applicable,) to use directory services.

    Use any standard ASCII text editor to:

    WARNING! You must enter the LDAP URL on a single line.

  2. Once you have edited the libtcl.cfg file, use dsedit to add a server to the directory service:

    1. From the Windows task-bar, select Start | Programs | Sybase | Connectivity | Open Client Directory Service Editor.

    2. Select LDAP from the list of servers, and click OK.

    3. Click Add New Server Entry.

    4. Enter:

      • The server name – this is required.

      • HA server name – optional. This is the name of the high-availability failover server, if you have one.

    5. Click Add New Network Transport.

      • Select the transport type from the drop-down list.

      • Enter the host name.

      • Enter the port number.

    6. Click OK twice to exit the dsedit utility.

For more information, see the Configuration Guide for your platform.