To get your host ID:
Change to $SYBASE/$SYBASE_SYSAM/bin.
$SYBASE is the Sybase installation directory
You can enter the command hostid from a command prompt.
lmutil lmhostid
On some platforms, the host ID is derived from the network
adapter address. If your machine has multiple network adapters,
lmutil lmhostid
one host ID for each network adapter. The output may look similar
The FLEXlm host ID of this machine is ""0013023c8251 0015c507ea90"" Only use ONE from the list of hostids.
Choose one of these host IDs. Sybase
recommends using the value associated with the primary wired Ethernet
adapter. Do not use values associated with internal loop back adapters.
If you cannot determine which host ID to use from the lmutil
output, use the native operating system
command to get additional details to help make the determination.
See to the SPDC FAQ titled ,“What’s my Host ID,” or “Appendix
A” of the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide for
the exact commands for your platform.
Save the host ID so you can use it later at SPDC. Your host ID is platform-specific, but may be similar to:
on Linux