After successfully executing the runws script, verify that ASE Web Services is enabled and that the ASE Web Services Engine is running.
Verifying that ASE Web Services is enabled
To verify that ASE Web Services is enabled:
Execute the following command on Adaptive Server Enterprise:
sp_configure ’enable webservices’
If sp_configure returns a value of 1, the Web Services feature has been enabled. A return value of 0 indicates the feature is not enabled.
Verifying that the ASE Web Services Engine is
Check the producer.log or consumer.log file in the logs directory for messages indicating that the ASE Web Services Engine is running. For example:
2004-03-29 16:29:29.522 INFO [main] - Starting HTTP Server on Port: 8181
For SSL, the log indicates an HTTPS port and related SSL information. For example:
2004-03-29 16:29:29.532 INFO [main] - Https Port [8182], KeyPassword: ...
The runproducer, stopproducer, runconsumer,
and stopconsumer scripts have been kept in
15.0 release for compatibility with previous releases of ASE Web
Services. However, in the 15.0 release, these scripts call the runws and stopws scripts.