If you have already installed ASE Web Services, you can start the Configuration Utility from the Adaptive Server Enterprise plug-in to Sybase Central. You can configure Web Services using the installation GUI, or you can use the command/console or silent modes.
Starting the Configuration Utility GUI from Sybase
Click on the Utilities folder in the Folders view for the Adaptive Server Enterprise plug-in of Sybase Central.
Find the Configure Web Service icon in the details view to the right of the Folders view. Select the icon for Configure Web Service to start the Configuration Utility.
Follow the steps in the wizard.
Starting the Configuration Utility in command/console
Open a console window.
Enter the following command:
aseplugin -I
Follow the steps indicated on the console.
Starting the Configuration Utility in silent mode
Edit the entries in your myres.properties file to indicate the desired values. To set a property, add “=” and the property value to the myres.properties entry. For details on the contents of the myres.properties file, see “myres.properties” in Appendix B, “Configuration Properties.”
Open a console window.
Enter the following command:
aseplugin -s path
where path is the path to your myres.properties file.
In silent mode, no further user action is necessary to configure Web Services.