
The add option is used to create a proxy table for a Web method specified by a WSDL file. When the add option is used successfully, the list option is invoked automatically to describe the schema of the new proxy table.


sp_webservices 'add', 'wsdl_uri' [, sds_name] 
[, 'method_name=proxy_table 
  [,method_name=proxy_table ]* ' ]



If you not specify method_name and proxy_table values for a Web method, the proxy table generated for the Web method is, by default, the name of the Web method specified in the WSDL file. If there is already a proxy table with the name of this Web method, a new proxy table is generated with a name like the following:


where method_name is the default proxy table name, and N is a digit from 1 to 9 denoting each successive mapping of the Web method. There can be as many as 99 duplicate proxy tables.

If you do specify method_name and proxy_table values for a Web method, the name of the proxy table must be new. If there is already a proxy table with the name specified in proxy_table, an error results, and none of the Web methods specified in the add option are mapped to proxy tables.

The output from the add option lists the methods that have been successfully mapped to proxy tables as well as those that have not been mapped. The name of a proxy table for an unmapped Web method is indicated as NULL in the output from the add option.

NoteThe columns used for input and output vary for proxy tables generated for RPC/encoded Web methods and document/literal Web methods. A proxy table representing an RPC/encoded Web method contains a column for each input and output parameter. A proxy table representing a document/literal Web method contains two columns, _inxml and outxml.

NoteFor information on datatype mappings, see Appendix C, “SOAP and Adaptive Server Enterprise Datatype Mapping.”