There are two steps in the publication process. First, publish files are generated, and then they are transferred to the publish location. Publish errors are displayed in the Output window and recorded in a file called pbiupub.log in the output directory.
The following errors might be reported during file generation:
Failure to create local folder structure Check that you have permission to create a folder in the specified directory.
Failure to generate application manifest file Check that the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK bin directory is in your PATH environment variable. If a certificate file is specified, check that it exists in the specified location and is a valid certificate.
Use different output paths for multiple projects
If you create more than one Windows Forms project for a single application,
make sure you specify a different output path on the General page
for each project. If you do not, the application manifest files generated
for each project conflict with each other.
The following errors might be reported during file transfer:
Publish location is a Web server: http://servername/appname Check that servername and the development computer are in the same network domain and that you are in the administrators group of servername or have write access to the wwwroot directory on servername.
Publish location is a file share: \\servername\appname Check that servername and the development computer are on the same network and that you have write access to the appname directory on \\servername.
Publish location is an FTP site: ftp://servername/appname Check that servername can be accessed using the specified user name and password and that you have write access to the appname directory on \\servername.
You should also check that the publish location name is typed correctly, that the PBNET_HOME environment variable is set correctly, and that network connections are working correctly.