The Replication component is the data distribution and data synchronization component of DI Suite. It replicates transactional data and synchronizes operational data across heterogeneous databases in your enterprise.
The Replication component:
Supports movement and synchronization of transactional data in heterogeneous databases such as Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE), Oracle, IBM DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server
Delivers operational data across complex and broadly distributed data sources in near real-time without interrupting critical business applications
Maintains the integrity of data at the transaction level
Delivers data efficiently across the enterprise
Enables bidirectional replication across distributed, heterogeneous systems
Replication includes the following subcomponents for bidirectional replication and data synchronization:
Replication Server, for distribution and synchronization of operational data
Replication Agents, for capturing transactions and transferring them to Replication Server
DirectConnect™, for access to a variety of LAN-based, heterogeneous data sources, as well as Mainframe data sources
Sybase Replication supports replication of transactional
data from DB2 UDB running on a mainframe system to target databases
through Sybase Replication Agent for DB2 UDB for OS/390.
This is an option, which you need to purchase separately.
For more information about the Replication subcomponents, view the product manuals on the SyBooks CD for Sybase Replication. For more information about how you can use the Replication component for data integration, see “Example 3: Consolidating data in real-time”.