Sybase Central

With this configuration, there are three different versions of Sybase Central available because different products install their own versions. The information below should help clarify the use of each version of Sybase Central:

  1. To manage the IQ server, start Sybase Central Java Edition version 4.3 under Adaptive Server IQ 12.6 from the Windows Start menu.

  2. To manage the RepServer using RSM, start Sybase Central version 3.2 under Sybase from the Windows Start menu. RSM enables the creation of connections, replication definitions, subscriptions, and publications for configuring a replication environment.

  3. To manage Multiple Site Availability within RepServer using RepMgr, start Sybase Central Java Edition version 4.1.1 under Sybase, from the Windows Start menu. RepMgr enables the configuration of replication for entire databases, including table DDL, which is called Multiple Site Availability. Additionally, this version of Sybase Central manages the ASE server and databases.