Support tools

Support tools include Sybase PowerDesigner and Sybase RAP product documentation.



Disk Space


Risk Analytics Platform includes a single seat license of the Physical Architect module of Sybase PowerDesigner 11.1. PowerDesigner is a Windows application that allows you to develop, import, and enhance existing data models as well as manage versions across the instances of the RAP Cache and the RAP VLDB databases.

PowerDesigner requires a minimum of 256MB RAM, an SVGA or higher-resolution graphics adapter and compatible color monitor (800x600), and 100MB to 160MB disk space. Depending on installation options, more disk space may be required.

160 MB

Data Models

Sybase RAP includes separate data models for RAPCache and VLDBServer. The installer installs the data model and DDL scripts when you install the core components.


Documentation is included as part of the core components. The installer installs the RAP documentation in /Documentation in the root installation directory when you install RAPCache and VLDBServer. Check the RAP Getting Started CD and the Web site Product Manuals for the latest version of the documentation.